Her Master's Voice
Jacqueline George
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When Sherry is left alone in Singapore, what sort of trouble will she get into?
While her husband Tim works on the oil rigs of Borneo, Sherry is left alone in Singapore. She fills in her time by studying yoga with a guru who has very definite ideas about what makes a woman. She will have to learn to be sexy all over again, and her friend Ranji soon has her playing magic flutes all over town.
But what will Tim do when he finds out what she has been doing? Will he send her away, or train her to be the wife he wants?
Publisher : Q~Press Publishing
ISBN : 9780992298449
Date : February 2014
Edition : Yellow Silk Dreams
Pages : 238
Customer Reviews
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This is one heck of a story. The details of the exotic locale are revealed by someone who knows what she's talking about. You feel yourself in the jungle, above the swamps, and gain a knowledge about a very different lifestyle. The characters, especially the women, are luscious and different… a God that revels in a Woman's bottom? I love it!
It's a whirlwind story, always interesting and I like the way the sex scenes are presented with class, each tender choice for sexual 'parts' some word you don't expect, make you think twice about (often even arouse you). Salacious yet sensuous, surprising too. Wow. ~ Victoise
An imaginative plot and plenty of tasteful naughtiness
Set primarily in Singapore, with a few scenes taking place in nearby countries, this is a tale of an ex-pat English couple whose extracurricular sexual escapades inadvertently brush up against local corruption and terrorism...read more
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Tim and Sherry are a married couple from England who have lost that spark in their love lives. Sherry insists on single beds...read more
The First Important Story of B&D since The Story of O
From the bestselling author of The Prince and the Nun comes this revealing novel of the motivations and passions of those with a yen to dominate or submit...read more
Smart, Interesting ANND Sexy!
I was really impressed with Jacqueline George's new novel, Her Master's Voice. She brought together so many different aspects of life, and with such ease. It seemed so natural. I felt as though I was watching a movie...read more
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